Who Knew?

YaYa (Greek for Grandmother, American spelling) – that is my new identity and I love it!!! To top it off, that blessing was doubled – twins! Yep, a boy and a girl. When I had my children, my heart grew each time I held a new baby (three of them). But Grandbabies do something different to your heart. That little life is part of your “baby” and that seems to add a whole new element to that love you feel for your Grandchild. It is as if my heart never beat a full rhythm until I saw them, looked into their eyes, held them. It is a level of love that cannot be explained. For years, I had friends tell me that “it just needs to be experienced”. Inwardly, I confess, I scoffed. How is love different because it is a grandchild? But then the twins came!

Not only do I love them differently than I do my husband and my own children, but it is as if they are different themselves. One is the “pitter” and the other is the “patter” so that my heartbeat is complete – pitter patter, pitter patter, pitter patter. I do not love one more than the other, it is like trying to pick your “favorite child” – I could not do that, I love them all with my ALL heart.

All I know is, the most stressful day becomes calm and lovely when I see their faces, hear their laugh or just look at a photo of them. To be in the same room with them is to erase the outside world. I step onto an island of love and acceptance and want only to please them, hold them, show them that I love them and will forever protect them in any way possible.

To all my friends I scoffed at, I apologize.  You were correct when you said “it just needs to be experienced”. I was missing so much in my life, and I never knew it. I would never want to go back to “pre-grandbabies”. I may have less money, less “me time” and less drive to do anything other than look at them but I have gained so much more. My world will never be the same and I am delighted by that future – in fact, I cannot wait!!!

LESSON: Never scoff at what you do not know or what you have yet to experience. There are somethings in life that need to be experienced first-hand and may never be able to be explained, just enjoy it!

My “Pitter Patter”