Change – A Scary Thing?

You would think after so many years on this planet that I would be accustom to change. To the contrary. While I know change is inevitable and even necessary, change is never easy. Whether it is your favorite shampoo that is suddenly “New and Improved” (which it never is) or a change in livelihood, adjustment takes time and produces at least a little discomfort.

I try to approach change with an open mind and willing spirit. Sometimes, I must admit, I approach change with a clenched jaw. The change that worried me most was when I got married. Having to share my entire life and living quarters with another person was a daunting vision – even though I loved him desperately. However, that change in my life worked out to my benefit. I have a partner that doubles my joy and makes the dark times bearable.

I recently felt the need and motivation to make a change in my employment. I have to admit that I had a comfort zone and great friends at my job. However, I slowly became aware just how poor the “fit” had gotten for me. I started applying for jobs. I would come home from work every night and spend hours on the computer applying. Then I stopped. The holidays were approaching and I did not want to forfeit my already scheduled vacation time.

Then the decision was taken out of my hands. A job came to me. I had a friend ask for my resume, she passed it on and I got a phone call. I had no nervousness and felt at peace during the whole process.  I am now in a new career and I have peace.

I am not sure why change scares me so much. I cannot remember one major change in my life that did not work out for good or one that did not leave me stronger. Change, while it is happening, can be scary, painful, daunting and seemingly endless. However, if we stay true to our convictions and listen to that “inner voice”, at the end of change will come peace and a chance to look back and wonder why you were so hesitant for change to happen.

LESSON: Christians have the Holy Spirit as their “inner voice” but others have their conscience as their guide and driving force. Put your faith in it, trust it and listen when that still small voice speaks – let it light your path through change.

North Ronaldsay lighthouse beams April 2010 midnight (Marion Muir)

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